Sunday, January 11, 2009

E-Commerce(the target audience)

The use of E-commerce in this information era has profound effect on all sectors of the population. Below are listed some of the chief target users who will be the most benefited from the use of E-commerce.

Agriculture business: Farmers can now use the internet to leverage transmission capabilities and access market data through an ICT initiative. Farmers who sell crops, sugarcane, coffee beans etc for attractive prices now don’t need any involvement of middleman. This new way of business attracted world’s attention. The sugarcane farmers go across the telecentre to sell their sugarcane that gets used by their sugar mills. Farmers are benefitted by this process as they get a fair price and gain access to various content service provided by the company at their site. Farmers can read the national and state-level newspaper where newspaper usually takes two days to arrive; Farmers get information about weather reports which help them plan their sowing and harvesting, banking, micro-credit, micro- finance, offers from other farming companies for fertilizer, farm gadgets, seeds, herbicides, fungicides, etc.

People who have lower income: Developing countries like Bangladesh, India, Cambodia, Ethiopia, entrepreneurs are utilizing the internet to market their handi-crafts and become players in the global economy. Where banks are unable to grant any credit, people who have lower income do not have easy access to credit. But through the internet, these people who have low income have been able to establish lines of credit with banking institutions abroad and domestic micro-financing sources, give them the opportunity to market their goods on the global market.

Illiterate Rural citizens: Companies like Telkom Indonesia has launched a conventional telephone with functionalities of ICTs. The company has created a communication device that takes users to relevant information through icons, rather than by voice communication through dialing numbers. As normally the telephone users dial number like 111-2222 but here the user would instead select an icon of a weather to get oral information about agriculture. There are various icons like price, cows, etc. This enables people in rural areas who often cannot read to access the global information network.

Recycling for business: Some company have started projects which have made an effort to protect the environment while creating jobs for the residents, these non-profit project which they started melds education, human resource development and environmental protection, there are projects like they uses the discarded rubber tires to make sandals, thus providing new job opportunity for more than 500,000 inhabitants. These projects have web portal, which is popular for its sustainable and community-based project that engages the youth in productive income generating activities while fostering the recycling of environmental waste,

Virtual Shopping: In order to bring e-commerce to indigenous people and expatriates, these sites are created where the site is designed to serve as the main link between abroad and their cultural heritage at home. The malls, which are similar to other online shopping portals, allow visitors to shop for a variety of products, including music’s, handicrafts and foods, they users to pay for products by credit card. And these online shopping portals deliver products to end users around the world.

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