Thursday, January 1, 2009


The present era is referred to as the Information age. The use of information now surpasses the use of any tools and equipments. Information is transferred, processed and utilized worldwide within fractions of a second. The digital information age has drastically changed lifestyles, making them faster, smoother and more efficient. The use of modern, user friendly and interactive technology has brought the blessing of information technology to all portions of the population. The use of gadgets, personal computers and mobiles has brought use of information technology to everyone. Use of sophisticated technology enables information about mass population and government to be kept and processed faster and securely.
The applications of ICT in the present era are limitless. New technologies and gadgets have profound effects on human lifestyle. This mainly includes internet, mobile technology, digital TV, etc. Overall, the advent of wireless technology and the availability of ICT to the mass population is the most notable aspect of this era. Use of internet combined with mobile technology has enabled communication to even the most remote part of the world. Huge amount of information is accessible within fractions of a second. Using digital storage system like hard disk, optical disks and other media, huge amount of information can be stored and with the help of latest multi-core processors, can be processed within a very short period of time.
Since PC and mobile phones are available now in every household, everyone can access the internet and benefit from it. Use of wi-max and blue tooth technologies, information can be exchanged over short distance using wireless networks. This is also applicable for internet using over a particular area. The advent of digital technology has given rise to technologies like digital TV, robotics, tele-surgery and lots more. Using tele-surgery, specialized doctors from one part of the world can operate over thousands of miles without any real physical contact. Digital TV allows people to access the internet from their television sets. Tele-working has enabled peoples to work from home and using teleconferencing, even board meetings can be held without the physical meeting of board members. Robotics has been a totally new field of advance. Now robotic technology allows faster, efficient and secure industry lines with better and consistent quality products. In homes, they can replace human workers too. They can be used in hostile and hazardous environments as well.
The use of information technology is far more spread than can be written in a short space or time. Indeed, it has found use in every aspect of human life now. And so the current era is correctly named as the Information Age.

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